Sunday, April 26, 2009

Myer-Briggs Typology

I just took a Myer-Brigg Type Indicator test, and I recommend everyone else does the same. It takes a while to finish, since some of the questions are a little tricky, but I'm inclined to say it is still worth taking, despite its flaws. I'm sure some tests are better, but this is the best free version.
After taking the test I recommend you read the Wikipedia page on the types (but preferably not before as to avoid messing with the results):
Personally I am INTP: moderately Introverted, strongly iNtuitive, strongly Thinking, slightly Perceiving.


  1. INTJ
    # moderately expressed introvert
    # moderately expressed intuitive personality
    # slightly expressed thinking personality
    # slightly expressed judging personality

    I'm fairly moderate, I guess. Although I felt that for many of the options in the quiz I would answer "yes" or "no" depending on my mood. Interesting, nonetheless.

  2. So I just read all of Dresden and Codak. I thought there would be more. I like how the characters have their own Myers-Briggs characteristics.
